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As we strive to create a safer and more secure community, your support matters now more than ever. By contributing to our campaign, you're investing in a vision of effective law enforcement, community engagement, and positive change.

Every dollar you donate brings us closer to our goal of a safer tomorrow for our families, friends, and neighbors. Your contribution enables us to strengthen our efforts, connect with our constituents, and drive the meaningful progress our community deserves.

Join us in making a difference. Your donation, no matter the size, has the power to shape the future we envision. Together, we can create lasting impact and build a stronger community for everyone.

Thank you for standing with us. Your commitment echoes our dedication to serving and protecting our community

Make a Donation

To make a secure online credit-card contribution, please complete the following form. Required fields are denoted with an asterisk (*). Occupation and employer information is legally required for campaign finance reporting.

Donation Amount

Payment Information

Personal Information

Employment Information

Campaign finance law requires that we collect occupation and employer information.

If you would like to contribute by check, please make your check payable to "Committee to Elect Kent Vander Kamp Sheriff" and mail it to:

Committee to Elect Kent Vander Kamp Sheriff

P.O. Box 42307

Portland, OR 97242

Oregon offers an income tax credit for qualifying Oregon tax filers who contribute to qualifying state, federal or local political campaigns. The total credit is limited to $100 on a joint return or $50 on a single or separate return. Please see Oregon Secretary of State for details. Contributions or gifts to this campaign are not tax-deductible for federal income tax purposes.